Monday, February 24, 2014

Toward the Invocation of Carlos

To canonize, or to demonize: that is the question.

As we mourn the loss of our comrade Carlos Brocatto in this his year of triumph, we must remember also to rejoice in what we have gained: on the one hand, the chance to install him in the canon of Best Friends, thereby to affirm that we are human, all too human; and on the other hand, the chance to summon him as a demonic ally, thereby to attain immortality.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Indiscernible Philosophy

Can one be a philosopher without "doing philosophy," without producing anything "philosophical" in writing or in speech - in a word, indiscernibly?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

From Here

Like Bataille, I have been forced to become a librarian. Less than that, even: a library technician. In this way I am deprived of the option of finding satisfaction as a teacher of philosophy. From here I can only become...a philosopher.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Annotation on Demonic Faith

Demonic faith is bad faith universalized beyond anthropocentric discourse.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Second Thing

Take your pick. Your choice is retroactive to what "is" predetermined on the outskirts of consciousness. To choose is to affirm the will of God, who is nothing but the infinite distribution of demonic faith.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

First Thing

Anything. This cup, for instance. It just sits there like a relic at the end of time. Its inertia is absolute. It's immersed in the complete absence of anticipation. I'm only a ghost in relation to it. But then I pick it up and drink from it. This is how I perform miracles.